I used to occasionally write for theatre (for my friend Anastasija Bräuniger) and I also tried my hand at poetry and prose. These days, I have less time, but I want to eventually start again. Here is some of the stuff I did (it's all in German!)

Ylva gives a speech, gives a report, reads a letter by Ursula von der Leyen. A text about (texts about) Ylva Johansson, the European Commissioner for Home Affairs, and her role in EU migration politics.
Commissioned by Anastasija Bräuniger and part of the piece "Heterotopie Moria".
Zeitalter des Staunens (Video)
In 30 years of painstaking, solitary work, postman Ferdinand Cheval built his "Palais Ideal", a kind of mausoleum. In what way does art survive and pay witness to its creator? Should we blow it all up? A monologue in many voices about megalomania, art, and death, based on the famous Shelley Poem "Ozymandias".
Commissioned by Charlotte Lorenz and Anastasija Bräuniger
Landschaft im Sturz (2019, HFS Ernst Busch)
Trapped in the crater left after his iconic fall, Icarus reflects on his own story. Who told it, and how, and why did Icarus never have any say in it? An evening about storytelling and art history.
Commissioned and directed by Anastasija Bräuniger.